The weather forecast looked a little iffy before this week’s Jackson Hole Float Trip, but if you’ve been to Jackson Hole much, you know that even a 100% chance of rain can turn into a dry spell in the Tetons for our Jackson Hole Float Trips. Last week we found 31 species of wildlife on the river and an additional 5 species once we got to the Jackson Hole Vintage Adventure’s camp. Read more details on our scenic trip down the Snake River below!

JHWF Snake River Count, Teton, Wyoming, US
Jun 10, 2018 7:20 AM – 8:35 AM
Protocol: Traveling
Jun 10, 2018 7:20 AM – 8:35 AM
Protocol: Traveling
7.5 mile(s)
29 species
29 species
Canada Goose 33
Mallard 18
Barrow’s Goldeneye 1
Common Merganser 23
American White Pelican 41
Great Blue Heron 3
Bald Eagle 12
Sandhill Crane 2
Killdeer 6
Spotted Sandpiper 36
Belted Kingfisher 3
Northern Flicker 2
Western Wood-Pewee 1
Dusky Flycatcher 2
Black-billed Magpie 3
American Crow 2
Tree Swallow 15
Violet-green Swallow 2
Bank Swallow 23
Cliff Swallow 20
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Mountain Bluebird 1
American Robin 14
Cedar Waxwing 20
MacGillivray’s Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 27
Song Sparrow 13
Red-winged Blackbird 6
Brewer’s Blackbird 17
Elk 1
Yellow-bellied Marmot 8
Mallard 18
Barrow’s Goldeneye 1
Common Merganser 23
American White Pelican 41
Great Blue Heron 3
Bald Eagle 12
Sandhill Crane 2
Killdeer 6
Spotted Sandpiper 36
Belted Kingfisher 3
Northern Flicker 2
Western Wood-Pewee 1
Dusky Flycatcher 2
Black-billed Magpie 3
American Crow 2
Tree Swallow 15
Violet-green Swallow 2
Bank Swallow 23
Cliff Swallow 20
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Mountain Bluebird 1
American Robin 14
Cedar Waxwing 20
MacGillivray’s Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 27
Song Sparrow 13
Red-winged Blackbird 6
Brewer’s Blackbird 17
Elk 1
Yellow-bellied Marmot 8